Rail In Motion Weighbridge

Rail Weigh-In-Motion is our RDSO approved, tailor-made, train weighing system that is easy to install at low installation cost. Our specialist team develops & provides solutions for all rail users, from, raw material procurement to end users. icroprocessor based modular electronics and high quality strain gauges from USA ensure high accuracy even at varying speeds. The system can be designed for static and/or in-motion weighing of wheels, axles and bogies and for full dratt weighing of locomotives and all types ol rolling stock.capacity upto 200 tons.
Rail weighing is crucial in virtually every aspect of rail operation, from monitoring product deliveries to avoiding overloading penalties. Some of the reasons for weighing rail cars and wagons include:
- To invoice clients for the amount of product shipped
- To ensure your shipper isn’t overcharging
- To determine the weight of cars and wagons to collect freight revenue
- To avoid overloading and avoid eccentric loading, which can damage cars, wagons and rail infrastructure and lead to derailments
- To minimize high impact loads, especially at track discontinuities like track joints, turnouts and crossings
We offer a range of accurate, affordable and robust train and rail weighing scales.